Giorgio Trombatore

Regional Director, Eastern Europe

As a regional director for Project HOPE, Giorgio Trombatore remains true to his humanitarian field roots, leading on-the-ground responses to emergencies by being a first responder and actively leading the team on the ground. 

Trombatore has worked for more than 30 years in numerous countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Before joining Project HOPE, he worked with several international organizations, such as International Medical Corps, Relief International, the American Refugee Council, Cesvi, Molisv, and CCM, as well for the United Nations.  

Trombatore has worked in Asia, spending time in North Korea, Borneo, Cambodia, Laos, and Afghanistan, as well as serving in the Middle East, in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Yemen, and Kuwait. Trombatore has also worked in multiple countries in Africa, such as Eritrea, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Morocco, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Congo, Rwanda, Mozambique, and Somalia.  

Trombatore grew up in Sicily in Italy.  After completing his military service, he joined his father in Mozambique in the early 1990s, where he started working as a United Nations volunteer. Trombatore served with the United Nations in Mozambique for about four years before going to Rwanda in 1995, post genocide, in Angola. 

Trombatore has a degree in humanistic studies and loves art and history. During his work in Congo, Yemen, and many other countries, he worked with local artists to create several murals and other paintings inside prisons and other institutions. He has written four books about his humanitarian work.

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