
Proposed Budget Cuts to Lifesaving Global Health and Humanitarian Programs

Project HOPE Urges U.S. House of Representatives to Veto Proposed Budget Cuts to Lifesaving Global Health and Humanitarian Programs

Washington, DC (27 September 2023) – As a leading global health and humanitarian organization operating in over 25 countries, Project HOPE opposes the unprecedented funding cuts for humanitarian and foreign assistance programs currently up for discussion in the United States House of Representatives, which could potentially result in drastic reductions to humanitarian, health, and international development programs. 

The proposed reductions – in addition to those previously approved in the House – will slash the foreign assistance budget, which makes up less than 0.8% of the total federal budget, in half or more. Bills H.R. 4665, H.R. 4268, and the proposed amendments are not consistent with the U.S.’s role as a global leader. 

“These proposed cuts will undermine the United States on many levels, minimizing our role as a global health leader, a humanitarian resource for people in crisis, and a moral beacon of hope for communities around the world,” said Rabih Torbay, President and CEO of Project HOPE. “The climate crisis and record levels of displacement have continued to exacerbate humanitarian crises around the world. This is a historic moment that calls for a historic investment in global health and humanitarian needs, not a retreat.”  

“Cutting our foreign assistance budget would not only erode U.S. leadership on the global stage but threaten U.S. efforts in global health security and economic growth here at home,” said Jed Meline, Director of Policy & Advocacy at Project HOPE. “International development and humanitarian efforts have had a major impact on reducing poverty along with maternal, infant, and child mortality rates. Cutting funding for health and humanitarian efforts at this critical time would undermine decades of investments.”  

Project HOPE reiterates its support for maintaining current levels of funding for global health and humanitarian aid, and we urge policymakers to provide continued support for these crucial programs.  

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About Project HOPE
Founded in 1958, Project HOPE is a leading global health and humanitarian organization operating in more than 25 countries around the world. We work side-by-side with local health systems to save lives and improve health. Our mission is at the epicenter of today’s greatest health challenges, including infectious and chronic diseases, disasters and health crises, maternal, neonatal and child health and the policies that impact how health care is delivered. For more information on Project HOPE and its work around the world, visit and follow us on Twitter @ProjectHOPEorg

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