
Increasing access to emergency health, WASH, and protection sector services to vulnerable cohorts across Grand Sud, Haiti

The Context

Haiti is experiencing a complex humanitarian emergency caused by political instability, violence, high inflation, rising food insecurity, and limited access to healthcare. Haiti is also one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world and remains at risk to natural disasters and extreme weather events, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and extreme flooding.  

The country’s health facilities are understaffed, underfunded, and face shortages of medical commodities. As a result, Haiti struggles with ensuring access to the Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS); has high rates of maternal and infant mortality, and its Human Development Index ranking is the lowest in the region. 

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of the population is at risk of exposure to natural disasters

The country has been home to deadly disasters like the 2010 and 2021 earthquakes, 2016’s Hurricane Matthew, and extreme flooding in 2023.

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mothers die for every 100,000 live births

This is five times higher than the Sustainable Development Goal of less than 70.


of Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, is controlled by gangs

Violence and political instability have exacerbated the health and humanitarian crisis, making it difficult to get pharmaceuticals and supplies into the country.

Our Impact

Addressing the Complex Humanitarian Crisis 

In 2023, Project HOPE began to initiate a multi-sectoral response to ensure the continuity and provision of primary health services; improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) standards; provide protection through mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programs; and strengthen gender-based violence (GBV) case management and referral pathways. 

Responding to Cholera  

In late 2022 and through 2023, Project HOPE was at the forefront of cholera response, increasing the capacity of Cholera Treatment Centers with provision of staff, training, and medical commodities to curb the impact and spread of cholera in the Grand Sud region. We equipped health clinics with appropriate WASH supplies, distributed hygiene kits, renovated water points, and trained community health agents.

Our History in Haiti

Project HOPE’s work in Haiti began in 1984, through a USAID project to develop clinical laboratory capacity at the University Hospital in Port-au-Prince. Since then, our programs have focused on emergency and disaster response, increasing access to primary health care, addressing maternal health needs, building the capacity of frontline health workers through training, and the provision of medical commodities to ensure free access to care.  

Project HOPE has also supported Haiti in the wake of disasters, providing both immediate relief and long-term health system strengthening. When the 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck on August 14, 2021, Project HOPE deployed a team of first responders to provide medical relief to hard-hit areas. We then launched a nine-month program to help Haiti’s health system recover for the long term by working to restore basic primary healthcare services, provide protection support, expand WASH activities, and provide MHPSS.  

In 2016, Project HOPE responded to Hurricane Matthew by deploying medical volunteers and shipping critical supplies to strengthen the country’s cold chain. In 2010, Project HOPE responded to the 7.0-magnitude earthquake by deploying medical volunteers and delivering more than $60 million in donated medicines and medical supplies. As Haiti recovered from the earthquake, Project HOPE remained and established the country’s first free, comprehensive rehabilitation and prosthetic facility for amputee victims. We later expanded rehabilitation training and support to six regional centers for people with disabilities, helping to ensure long-term access to care. 

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